7 Horses – The Symbol of Energy

Do you love the energy of the horse and wonder how you can decorate your home with symbols of horses for the best feng shui? Horses are truly unique beings, and humans have been drawn to them for thousands of years. Effective placement of images or figures of horses for feng shui can bring the power, strength, and energy of these revered creatures into your home.

In classical feng shui applications, the image of the horse brings the energy of success, fame, freedom, and speed. Of course, these are the feelings that most of us already associate with the energy of the horse. And indeed, all feng shui symbols use the inherent energy that the mind associates with a specific symbol in order to evoke its energy.

Other characteristics represented by horses are prosperity, forward motion or mobility, promotion or growth, loyalty, stamina, and success or victory.

Best Places for Feng Shui Horses

To benefit the most from the feng shui power of the horse symbol, position horses based on your home’s feng shui Bagua map. You can use a photo, a painting, a sculpture or any other decor item with the image of the horse in it.

South: The South area of your home or office is one of the best spots to display the horse symbol. If you are using the Western bagua, this is your Fame and Reputation area.

North: The North area of your home or office is the second best spot to display the image of the horse (or several horses). With the Western bagua, this is your Career area.

Southwest: If you love horses and would like to use this cure in your love and marriage feng shui area—the Southwest area of your space—choose a feng shui decor item depicting two horses, not one or three.

Zodiac sign: If your Chinese zodiac sign is the horse, you can also display horses in your lucky feng shui direction for success.

Horse Depictions and Placement to Avoid

As with all feng shui symbols and cures, improper placement or conflicting symbolism with feng shui horses can have a negative effect:

Avoid placing horses in Wood or Metal feng shui element areas so as not to conflict with horses’ association with Fire. These areas are the East and Southeast areas for the Wood element and the West and Northwest areas for the Metal element.

Do not place horse images or figures in the bedroom. The power and vigorous activity of horses, particularly those in motion, can bring too much active energy to the bedroom—a place of serenity and relaxation.

Avoid horses that are sad, angry, or fighting with one another. These can generate conflict among family, household members, or business associates. Horses should appear happy and have a sense of purpose and direction for the most positive effect.

Avoid images with horses that are incomplete, abstract, or segmented. These depictions can promote a sense of confusion, lack of control, or distortion.

Do not position galloping horses so they face outside or out through a doorway; you want their energy directed inside the home, not outside or away from the home.

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